Blackmagic Production Camera 4K Update

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7/6/2018 4:21:04 PM
Total Posts 6

Blackmagic Production Camera 4K Update


I wanted to do a quick update on the Blackmagic Production Camera 4K. As I have mentioned previously we have been working hard on redesigning part of the camera due to differences in the production sensors to what we experienced in the early camera builds, however that work is completed now and we are in final testing. I wanted to post some clips that I personally have shot from the camera as I know people are interested in them. We have other more experienced camera operators out shooting with beta cameras now and they can post more realistic clips with lens details and other shooting information soon, however I wanted to post something now so I thought I would upload some of the clips I have shot personally. The Blackmagic Production Camera 4K is very different to our other cameras, but I personally think it's quite filmy in its look, even though it's not really a digital film camera but more of a general production camera. I think people's relationship to cameras is such a personal and deeply creative connection, so I never really know what will happen with a new camera until it's used professionally. It has been really fun to get time over the last few weeks to use it myself!

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