VHS capture with BlackMagic MediaExpress

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7/6/2018 4:18:57 PM
Total Posts 6

VHS capture with BlackMagic MediaExpress


We're trying to set up a VHS capture station and having no luck getting our BlackMagic to recognize the signal. I suspect the signal coming straight out of our VHS deck simply isn't stable enough and we will have to introduce a TBC and sync generator into the workflow, but I wanted to make sure we're not making any kind of elementary mistake in our settings. I've attached some images of the way that we have our UltraStudio Express configured.

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

Professional Video Production Services

Thank you.

7/6/2018 11:02:53 PM
Total Posts 32

Re: VHS capture with BlackMagic MediaExpress

Hello Crowek,

to capture a VHS with a Blackmagic Design card, you will need an additional hardware device, a TBC, Time Base Corrector like the dps575, or Harris Leitch X75; once they were very expansive devices that now you can get for few money on ebay. Just connect the VHS to the TBC IN and the BMD to the TBC OUT.

Otherwise you'd need to use capture cards that have a TBC but I'm not aware of any ones from Blackmagic Design; the Teranex processors are not a resource because they don't have the TBC.

Best Regards,

Paolo Castellano



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