Windows 10

10/6/2015 6:21:56 AM
Total Posts 1

Windows 10

Hi, I have downloaded the latest version of ivsEdits. I have have installed this software on Windows 10. First, only the 32 bit version is installed. I start a test project. In this project I use only simple PNG images. If i export my simple project to wav-standard-format, the sound is not in the exported file. If I use WMV format the program crashes.

Ok, I uninstalled ivsEdits now. It looks good, but it is not stable.


10/8/2015 5:43:39 AM
Total Posts 32

Re: Windows 10

Dear Peter,

ivsEdits is a mature and stable software and it is used by thousends of professional editors, all over the world. You may see from the requirements page, Windows 10 is not yet on the supported OS list

Have you read the requirements before installing the software? Is the OS the only unsupported PC spec?

Best Regards,



P.S. There will be soon new releases both of ivsEdits and Windows 10, and requirements may change quickly :-)




5/29/2016 4:44:33 AM
Total Posts 1

Re: Windows 10

Поставил на 10 -ку LE версию -работает прекрасно!  (translation:I installed it on version 10, le version works very fine.)

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