H.264 Export issues

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7/6/2018 4:23:24 PM
Total Posts 6

H.264 Export issues


I have a few issues going on with my final render of H.264. I am on a HP Elitebook Mobile workstation with Dreamcolor monitor, 32 GB RAM, 1TB HDD, NVIDIA 4000M 4GB graphics card. I'm using Windows 7 64bit. I'm running DaVinci Resolve 15 beta studio version. I have never had problems in rendering out H.264 before, now however when I set the format to Quicktime>H.264 and the quality to 'best' my render fails instantly. No matter what quality I select from the drop down menu, it constantly fails. Only when I set 'Restrict to' then I get a render. I have never had issues previously with setting the quality to 'best' except now. I googled to see if others have similar issues and I'm finding forum threads all over suggesting that windows 7 no longer supports all formats, is this true? Is it time to switch over to Windows 10?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Thank you.

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